I empower ambitious women to redefine and achieve greater success on their own terms, and build mental and emotional capacity for improved well-being.

It can feel near impossible some days to manage the complexity and uncertainty that today’s modern world brings.

We strive so hard to make it all happen and be all things to all people, but it leaves us overwhelmed, exhausted, and unsatisfied.

To thrive in this complexity, we need new ways of making sense of ourselves and the world, and we need practical skills to navigate challenges and flourish.

How We Can Work Together

This world needs your most conscious, capable self.

Are you ready for an uplevel?

1:1 Coaching

One-on-one coaching empowers courageous change through deepening self-awareness and shifting beliefs. It unlocks fresh power and capability to be more authentic, effective, focused, and resilient.

Capacity Building

Corporate programs and workshops deliver leadership skillsets and evidence-based cognitive + emotional tools that expand an individual + team’s ability to navigate challenges, decisions, and relationships with more confidence, clarity, and ease.

My mission is to support the intentional development and evolution of women into their most powerful, authentic selves.

Hi, I’m Melissa.
I’m so glad you’re here.

I've been right where you are.

I've been right where you are.

I’ve been there.. the overachieving woman who says yes to everything. I was afraid to let people down and was striving to do exceptional work. I was at the top of my game, but felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and dissatisfied. My success didn’t feel like I thought it would. I was always putting myself last, and I didn’t have clarity on what I wanted. Sure, the constant achievement felt good to the nervous system, but I longed for something more. Inside, I craved more balance, space, and ease.

It wasn’t until I learned how the brain worked that I finally understood how powerful tools and techniques can truly alter our ability to be successful and satisfied in life. The increased flexibility and agility that is possible with a wider range of resources matters significantly.

Why Coaching

Complexity and uncertainty are not going away. They are the new normal.

We must rise up to meet present challenges. It is not only critical but mandatory to stretch and grow into more capable humans.

Coaching equips leaders to:

  • develop adaptability and resilience in managing stress and burnout

  • be more strategic with time and focus to drive business results

  • prioritize balance and flexibility that brings more energy to the whole system

  • become more confident and courageous in stepping up to challenges

  • experience greater mental and emotional well-being and self-trust

“Since coaching, I've been able to better listen and detach from my inner dialogue.

I can recognize when my own mindsets are limiting me and I now have a partner to ground in abundance. I've learned that my biggest obstacle is the old stories I tell myself. It's both liberating and daunting knowing that, ME, I am the only thing that stands in my way from getting exactly what I want from this life. A coaching relationship with Melissa helped me put that philosophy to action.”


A free download to uplevel your cognitive skills

Mindset Traps That Keep You Stuck & How to Break Free

Let’s face it, we all get hooked in unhelpful thinking patterns. Successful leaders at every level are expected to excel under immense pressure in highly complex, uncertain situations. Getting unstuck is a mandatory skillset. But just how do you do that? Download my free Guide to get fresh new creative strategies.

Free Workbook

Free Workbook